Monday, April 1, 2019

GoScribbler March 2019 Box Unboxing - Relationships/Why This Company is Great Heading Into Camp NaNoWriMo

Hi everyone! Back again with an unboxing of GoScribbler's March box for my first post of #IndieApril.

In case you missed last year's post (if you read it last year, skip to Part One), GoScribbler is a monthly subscription box created by Lindsay Cummings and Victoria Scott that focuses on teaching writing from experienced authors. For the main focus of the box, you receive a writing passport that is written by a guest author that specializes on a specific part of writing. You also receive a book from the author of the passport of that month.This particular box's theme is relationships.

Pricing of the box itself is pretty good at a monthly rate of $29.99 (and a little less for 3 month and 6 month prices), but it's the shipping that gets you. The total for me, as someone who lives in Georgia USA, ended up being $38.56(ish). However, I ended up getting a lot more things than I thought I would, so it was worth it for me.

Also, it's automatically renewed on the 28th of each month, so if you only want a few boxes a year, you have to go in and manually cancel and then renew your order before then.

The company is located in Texas, so it originally was only going to be for residents of America, but they can now ship to a lot of places around the world

They announce when orders are ending for the month, so keep an eye on their Twitter for when they open and close.

So that's the boring stuff. Now for the fun unboxing!

Part One - The Box

So I got this on the 25th of March instead of 22nd like most subscribers and I'm pushing this post to be relevant and to be in Indie April, so there's less pictures this time (I have a PO Box and I didn't get to the PO on time so I had to wait until that Monday :( ).

The outside of the box has changed since my last post, so here's a boomerang of the outside I put on my Instagram story.

 In every box, there comes a postcard with writing exercises on them. However, since this is a birthday/anniversary it didn't have any exercises on it; also, I was too excited to see what else was in the box to take a picture. Sorry!

These socks are awesome. I can't wear socks due to sensory issues, but I am giving them to my cousin who also loves to write and actually uses a typewriter whenever possible, so the socks will be used and loved.

(White envelop is the postcard). I love small notebooks and I especially love when they come with tiny pens/pencils. The thing I love most, however, is the You're Invited paper. This is one of the reasons I highly recommend this box; with a box, you're invited to listen to Lindsay and Victoria ask questions to different people in the writing/publishing world so that you can get a better understanding of how it works. These talks are always great and you get to learn something new each time.

Then it also included a smaller (writing pouch) and the writing passport. The passport is written by the author of the book included in the box. This is one of the main selling points of GoScribbler, as this give tips about how to write the topic of the month.

This is something new that they've added since I last got a box. In each pamphlet, there is a part of the author's writing or editing, or an email between editor and writer, etc., and it shows more parts of the writing process of the chosen author's book.

They added another poster to this box and got smart with this one; it was flat on the bottom of the box underneath the book and not curled up this time. It was also printed on heavy card stock and not paper, so it's stronger. I love it and I cant wait to hang it up on my wall.

Finally, the book (and technically a signed bookplate that I put into the book so it wouldn't get lost). The Last Letter looks like it's going to be a wild ride but I'm going to have to put it away until at least December. I saw that cancer plays a big part in the story (don't know how it ends and D O N ' T  T E L L  M E) and I have multiple people that I know of who is dealing with/experiencing cancer including a 2 year old, so I'm going to wait.

Part Two - Heading Into Camp NaNoWriMo

If you don't know, Nation Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is where you try to write 50,000 in the month of November; they also have Camp NaNoWriMo during April and July where the goals are a lot more flexible. I can't do this month, but I'm hoping to do July.

So, how does GoScribbler help with NaNoWriMo? Remember the writing passports I talked about? You can get them at GoScribbler's shop for only $5, and if you spend over $25 you get free shipping.

By the way, I'm not sponsored. I just really love this company.

So if you're in the same boat as me (aka broke because college is expensive) and want to learn but can't justify the price of the box at the moment, the writing passports are for you. They cover a wide range of writing topics, so if you want a fun pick-me-up during Camp NaNoWriMo or are using the experience to edit and take your time to get the words the way you want, the writing passports could really help you out.

Next week, I'll be reviewing the novella Heaven Shining Through by Joe Siccardi. See you all then!

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