Tuesday, January 2, 2018

15 Practical Ways You Know You're a LOTR fan

1. When someone calls you ‘Precious,’ you inwardly wince because you associate the word ‘precious’ with evil and the creepiness of Gollum.

2. The letters ‘dh’ makes the ‘th’ sound in Elvish. So when you read words like ‘adhere’, the word becomes ‘athere.’ You get bonus points when you’re reading out loud and the audience gives you a blank look.

3. When you’re talking about what you want in a future husband, the list becomes something like this: I want him to represent Jesus, be good with little kids, (insert the rest of your list here) and he has to look like (insert a LotR actor here)!

4. When you’re proud of the fact that you’ve lost track of how many times you have watched Fellowship, Two Towers, and Return. (I’ve lost track after twelve! :) )

5. When people ask which you would rather go to: Middle-earth or Narnia, and your response is this: “Let me put it this way – Narnia would be nice, Middle-earth is on my bucket list.”

6. When people say that the perfect couple doesn’t exist and you immediately think of Aragorn/Arwen, Faramir/Éowyn, Sam/Rosie, or Celeborn/Galadriel.

7. When you look outside, and you wonder if the woods you’re looking at would be a secret entrance into the Shire’s forest or to Fangorn forest.

8. It infuriates you beyond belief when people start to confuse characters and you have to refer to them by other characters the actors have portrayed; for example: Elrond as Agent Smith, Boromir as Ian from National Treasure, and Arwen as ‘That really sappy lady that hisses on that sappy version of Hulk.’

9. When you refuse to put your real state/country name on a piece of paper or your Facebook/Twitter page, and you put Minas Tirith , Rivendell, Rohan, or the Shire instead.

10. When you only want a copy of the One Ring for a present.

11. When you choose a theme song for yourself, you choose the song that plays when the Ringwraiths are riding to try and kill Frodo and capture the One Ring.

12. When you find a page on Tumblr that counts down to when the second Hobbit movie comes out – TO THE SECOND – and you sit there and just watch the clock run down. (I think the page is called ‘In a hole in the ground.’)

13. When someone mispronounces one of the LotR character’s name, you take it personally.

14. When you can hear the LotR characters talking – not in script – in your head.

15. When you’ve watched the movies so many times that you watch the scenery or background actors because you know what the main characters are doing every millisecond of the movies.

*Orignally posted on my first (and now deleted) blog on 07/10/2013

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